Sunday, June 1, 2014

Going Home - Count Down

Getting ready for our annual leave is always a bit of a panic.  There's lots on my to do list - some I can do well in advance and leave until the last minute and some stuff needs to be done at the last minute.

Home School Portfolios complete and packed - Yes

Home School Year End summaries written and emailed - Yes

Rough draft of next year's home school plan written - Yes

Next year's math books located - yes

List of curriculum to buy at home started - yes

Medical insurance claim paper work complete - yes

Kids registered in summer camps - 3 registrations done, one to do yet

Doctor's appointments made - yes some

Grad remarks written - no

Ride from the airport arranged - I think so

Laundry complete - no (and it's raining so we'll be taking home dirty clothes)

Packing complete - no

Lawn mowed - no (and it's raining so not sure when this will happen)

Bikes put in storage - no

Room reserved in Istanbul - yes

Field trip in Istanbul confirmed - yes
Empty fridge and cupboards of open/perishable food - no

Lock windows, draw blinds, unplug stuff - no

Garbage bins emptied - no

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