Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What's Normal in Turkey?

I've been feeling out of sorts since we returned to Turkey, in August. I'm homesick I guess; if that is what you call it when you miss your family and friends. Anyway for the first time in a long while I played tourist with my camera in Gelibolu. The camera and a ramble through the Tuesday market helped remind me just what an amazing opportunity it has been to live here. These pictures represent some every day sights; what's normal in Turkey.

The outside couch. This one is in the Kipa (grocery store) parking lot.

Residential bottled water delivery.

Scooter + wagon + man

More deliveries.  This time with a small truck.  See the oncoming traffic and the pedestrian?

Painter climbing up a level on the scaffolding.

He's wearing safety flip-flops. Do you see the safety harness?  Me neither.

Horse power is also used for deliveries.

We're following the horse and cart. The men are in short sleeves, but the woman, especially the one on the right  is dressed much like she'll be dressed in February.  However, in the winter months she'll trade her light coloured short coat for a darker coloured long coat. In Turkey, drafts are dangerous.

We're still following the horse and cart. Sidewalks aren't much taller than the street here.  This allows cars to park on them so pedestrians walk on the road in many places.

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