Thursday, October 25, 2012

Greece or Turkey

     These neighbouring countries share many traits, but just crossing the border we noticed some very obvious differences.  These insights are based on exactly 5 days in Greece and most of eight months in Turkey so there is a wide margin of error.

Graffiti in public spaces = Greece
Road signs in English too = Greece
Trash along the road = Turkey
Mountains = Both
Cotton crop = Greece
Sunflower crop = Turkey
Free range cows = Greece
Wind power = Both
Solar power = Greece
Large shopping malls = Both
At least one house of worship in every town and village = Both*
Feral Dogs and Cats = Both (but Greece has many less)
Toll Highways = Both
Beautifully paved highways = Both, but Greece's roads are generally superior
Over the top patriotism (flags and historic photos everywhere) = Turkey
Passionate kissing on the street, in the restaurant and well everywhere = Greece
Women walking arm in arm = Turkey
Men walking arm in arm = Turkey
Yummy street food = Both! Gyros in Greece, Simit in Turkey
Bottled water = Both
Bacon = Greece

*mosques in Turkey and Eastern Orthodox churches in Greece

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