Sunday, March 11, 2012


Yesterday we went and saw Dad at the seismic camp after a trip to the Keşan bazaar. While we were there one of the guys in the room got on his cell phone and we heard him order alti çay (Alta chai) or 6 teas. Minutes later two guys came in carrying a tray with six glass cups of tea. One for everyone except Sam who had been missed, he was now asked if he wanted çay or cola, he said cola and of went one 'minion'. Meanwhile at a gesture from one of the other Turks his companion took the bucket of what I'm assuming was ashes out of the stove. They were in and out after that tending the fire, delivering Sam's cola, and taking away our empty cups, as well as delivering turkish chestnuts to be roasted on the heater top. (they weren't bad) And cleaning up the mess of shells we left.

Starting to see why we call them minions?

The curtain man also had his minion or "curtain boy" as Mom called him who basically followed him around, more like job shadowing thing.

The plumber didn't have a minion when he came the second time. Well not in every sense of the word. The other guy was not much younger than the boss who is not a young guy. But he played "step and fetch it" pretty well going downstairs to get a tape measure and another time to borrow Mom and Dad's slippers to walk on the wet bathroom floor. (the floor was wet because they had flooded it)

In short, if you are anyone who is anyone then chances are you have a minion or two.

The only problem is, where in Canada can I find a minion?


  1. Since labor is cheap, it is not at all unusual to see several people doing a job that would take one person at home. It is not unusual to see a dump truck with a swamper/codriver or a heavy construction machine with one or two guys along to help him watch out for obstacles.

    The ways people usually get minions in Canada is to win the lottery, get some high level executive job, or have kids and turn them into unpaid/underpaid assistants.

    The liberal application of manpower often results in a very hig level of service at restaurants and stores. It is not unusual to have your groceries bagged, weighed, and carried to the car at the green grocers while you stand and point. Not our style, but wouldn't be out of the qustion here. Yhe mega grocery chains like Migros and Kipa are exceptions. There the cashiers expect you to bag your own groceries as they ring them through as fast as they can. The little plastic bags are an issue too - they're fiendishly hard to open and a bit frustrating as the cashier seems to take joy in burying you with your groceries while you fight to get the bags they provide open. I can see why people would put up with the traffic and congestion to go to the stores downtown that bag the groceries and are a lot more service oriented.

    1. What I do not understand about the Kipa in Gelibolu is the lack of baggers and rather brusk cashiers and service inside, while they have a Kipa owned and operated bus (with a salaried driver of course) to pick up customers from their homes and take them to the store outside.

  2. Ah yes but the problem with kid minions (have kids and turn them into unpaid/underpaid assistants) is you can't fire them if they are not doing the job!

    Really enjoying all of your blog posts you guys....miss you all tons! Keep up the posts!

